The first two images show the space for Obama (Casa di campagna di Obama). Here I have blended classical architecture with modern designs. The reason for this is that in my view, Obama’s power consists of classical philosophies embodied into a modern 21st century man. His architecture has been given rather a “formal” flavour to reinforce his political power. However I have used lighting and cubes to tone the “professionalism” down a bit. This is done to show the human face of Obama. Although he may have a lot of power (highlighted by the massive plethora of cubes in the space shown in the second image), he is just like everyone else: He has fun and enjoys a laugh.
I have included lots of “movement” in Obama’s space to allude to his message of change; the second image emphasises this fact nicely. The suggestion of cubes is two-fold. First they lighten the mood as said before. Secondly, the large number of the cubes emphasises his sheer amount of power and also refers to the population of the USA who he has to look after.
The third and fourth images show the meeting space. The meeting space architecture employs symmetry to show the balance of power. In my view, both of these clients are immensely powerful in their own way. There is not one that is more powerful than the other. The architecture has been designed to provoke a feeling that when these two power machines meet, the result is pandemonium: there is a struggle between the clients to have control over the other and reinforce their own power over them. Furthermore, I have pondered what they might talk about: world issues, poverty, Obama’s singing ability, Madonna’s presidential ability???, but whatever it is, there will be disagreement and chaos guaranteed.
The last two images show Madonna’s space (Maison de Madonna). I have given both clients’ spaces their own names to reinforce their uniqueness of power. Now Madonna is very fashionable, powerful and has been proven to be long lasting! These facts are portrayed in her architecture through the use of organic shapes. I have aimed to create lots of contrast. Her space is a lot more informal compared to Obama due to the foundation of her power. Her “musical long lasting ability” is shown by the shift within her spaces. Firstly, the brown coloured space symbolises the past: old and simple architecture. The second space in the middle hints to the current through the use of modernistic design. The third space refers to the future. The architecture looks like a spaceship and is very futuristic.
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